Lines of Thought

I'm really enjoying the short film series, Lines of Thought, made to mark the 600th anniversary of Cambridge University Library.
The importance of the CUL holdings is truly astounding and their diversity is breathtaking, which makes the elegance of these short films even more impressive. Just three of the six films commissioned to complement the exhibition Lines of Thought: Discoveries that Changed the World have been released so far, but it is a pleasure to watch each one. I'm also very much enjoying seeing some old friends (hello MS Add. 269, MS Add. 7220MS Add. 1116 and MS. DAR 185.109), and watching some incredibly knowledgable familiar faces expound on the delights of Cambridge's most impressive library. 
I can't wait to see what follows next.

Lines of Thought: Discoveries that Changed the World is on display in the Milstein Exhibition Centre at Cambridge University Library until Friday 30th September, 2016. Entry is free. 
the exhibition can also be viewed online.


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